Titanic 3D: Bringing 1997 Back

So, it appears James Cameron is resurrecting his cash cow from 1997 for a 2012 audience. You know, the one about the big boat that sinks (if you consider that a spoiler, then welcome back from Jupiter).

I guess it's the lesser of two evils. I mean, at least it's not a remake...or a sequel. Oh, wait, that already happened.

Go ahead. Roll your eyes. Let's see how many fools will be clamoring for those 3D glasses come April. After all, if you think about it, there's now a entire generation that hasn't experienced this romantic epic on the big screen, and after devouring the 3D spectacle that was Avatar, these kids today just might bite and a buy an overpriced ticket to see "that guy from Inception" and "that MILF from Contagion" get it on the backseat of a 1912 Renault. Take a look at the newfangled trailer:

*Yes, it's true that I saw this film three times in the theater when I was senior in high school. Yes, it's true that I proudly own Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love on which the ubiquitous "My Heart Will Go On" can be found. And yes, it's true that my prep school friends and I would lip sync to the ballad like crazy in my dad's 1992 Camry while driving through the streets of New Rochelle.

Your judgments have been noted and quickly dismissed.



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