Movin' On Up

With great bloggage comes great responsibility...
Michael Medico and Corey Moore, the fantabulous founders of HOTINHOLLYWOOD.TV (or, as most of us like to call them, M&M), have recently appointed me Managing Editor of their website.
For the past couple of weeks I've been taking over the reins while they've been immersing themselves in new ventures and research for revamping the site itself, something I hope to oversee as well (oh advertisers, where for art thou?). We will continue to work and pride ourselves on being a Hollywood site that doesn't dish out malicious gossip and petty rumors. That's our angle, and we're sticking to it. We just need to keep up our traffic and inject the whole milkshake with a few more energy boosts.
I've accepted the task and look forward to the challenge.
What this now means for me: Pulling in double (sometimes triple) time while updating both The First Echo and Hot in Hollywood, doing my little freelance gig for Instinct magazine, and completing that Great American TV Pilot for the network that will give me the best development deal.
Promotions within the blogosphere don't happen like they do in the real world. This particular one came about from an email chain (naturally) involving one of our regular contributors to the site, Wonder, our horoscope specialist.
This is how it all went down:
CC: coreymoore1; hiko331
From: michaelmedico
To: wonderbright
Subject: Re: horoscope column
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:46:17 -0700
> hey babe-
> Since you were no longer sending us the info directly but instead
> sending us a reminder to go to your blog to check it out- I thought
> you were done with us!
> I would love to continue to have your horoscopes on our blog! Hiko
> has become the managing editor (officially) so will you send them to him?
> Hiko - would you like this position officially? It comes with benefits...
From: Hiko Mitsuzuka
To: Michael Medico (michaelmedico), wonderbright
Cc: Moore Corey (coreymoore1)
Subject: Re: horoscope column
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:56:11 -0700
Wonder, go ahead and CC me on whatever you send.
Benefits, eh? Why do I get the feeling we ain't talking Blue Cross or Aetna here?
Gee, managing editor...I already have soooo much on my plate as it is. Hmmm....
Sincerely putting out a handshake,
From: Wonder (wonderbright)
Sent: Mon 6/23/08 1:29 PM
To: Hiko Mitsuzuka (hiko331); Michael Medico (michaelmedico)
Cc: Moore Corey (coreymoore1)
Subject: Re: horoscope column
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:59:01 -0700
I assumed it would be as easy to cut and paste it from the blog as from my email - from now on I'll email it to Hiko (GRAND MASTER FLASH HEAD POOBAH OF HIH.TV!!!) directly.
Here's to conquering the rest of the blogosphere,